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Good Things to Know

-You can set boundaries for yourself

-You can stand up for yourself

-Regardless of what people have told you, you shouldn't tolerate abuse.

-You deserve love and affection

-You have innate worth as a person

-You deserve friends

-You deserve a break from time to time

-Just because you're going through a situation or something psychological, doesn't mean you're not awesome

-Don't accept criticism from people you wouldn't/don't respect

-Only you can determine your worth. Make a fair assessment

-Don't assume peoples' intentions, as unfounded assumptions are lies that you tell yourself.

-It's okay to make mistakes

-It's perfectly fine to be neurodivergent

-The only stupid question is the question never asked

-Just because you trust someone, doesn't mean they should be trusted

-Don't listen to anyone who says you're something you're not

-You are not your thoughts

-EVERYONE has impostor syndrome. Get your bag!


Disregard anyone who says otherwise, no matter who they are.





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