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Tricorder 1.5

I made an upgrade to my real-life Tricorder from Star Trek. It includes a camera, thermal camera, flashlight, ruler, protractor, UV light, RF scanner, and camera detector.
Some uses for it include;
-Taking temperature of things
-Finding humans and animals in the dark
-Find out if a human or animal has touched something
-Diagnosing ailments
-Finding overheating in devices
-Finding insulation leaks for energy efficiency
-Measuring objects
-Drawing precise angles
-Taking pictures
-Detect hidden cameras
-Find veins
-Scanning for biological residue
-Activate glow-in-the-dark items
-Determine if dollars are real
-Determine if IDs are real
-Reading invisible ink
-Find scorpions
-Find Tomato Hornworms
-Find bones in fish
-Detect certain skin conditions
-Find certain minerals
-Detect leaks with tracer dye
-Finding wireless bugs
-Finding GPS trackers
-Cure Nails
-Detecting hidden transmissions from phones
-Detect large magnetic fields
-Detect microwave oven leaks
-Signal Flare
-Find North (edited)

The files include a lens cap and carrying case.

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